

Dipper the Dachshund makes most of life on just two legs


Our pets often hold a special place in our hearts and our homes.

This couldn’t be more true for one unique pup and the Colorado family that took him in.

The Kleeman family in Boulder loves dachshunds. They have a small pack of the small dogs, and a couple of years ago they added a unique member to the pack, little Dipper.

Dipper is a unique dachshund, as his back legs are paralyzed. "If a rescue couldn’t take him in, he was going to be put down the next day," said Kelly Kleeman, Dipper’s mom. "He could barely hold himself up with his front legs. I didn’t thin he was going to survive, necessarily."

Well, Dipper did survive, and thanks to the Kleeman family he now lives a normal dog’s life with the help of back wheels instead of back legs.

"He pulled through and then he became this super happy, photogenic dog that he is," said Ben Kleeman, Dipper’s dad.

The Kleeman family says Dipper love the mountain and loves hiking. He also loves posing for the camera, and people seem to love seeing his pictures. The family set up an Instagram account featuring little Dipper that has nearly 6,000 followers. The account’s tagline is "two paws, two wheels, too cute."

If you would like to follow Dipper and track his progress, his Instagram name is "Little Dipper Doxie."