

Your Healthy Family: UCHealth Memorial remembering moms on Mother’s Day

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Don’t forget, Mother’s Day is coming up this Sunday.  UCHealth Memorial Central is working right now to make sure moms in their care on this special day receive the recognition they deserve.  

Anne Whitelaw and Amber Rossman, are Clinical Nurse Managers with the maternal-child division at UCHealth Memorial Central, who have been hand writing notes on cards to be given out to moms.

Amber says, “We (at UCHealth) strive to improve lives, sometimes it’s in big and inventive ways like with the mobile stroke unit, and sometimes it’s in small personal human connection ways.”

This Sunday it won’t just be new moms giving birth who will be honored with the hand written card attached with a bow to a flower.  

Amber says, “We have women here in all stages of pregnancy and motherhood.  We have pregnant women who are high risk who are having complications. We have women in active labor and delivery.  There are also women who are taking care of their newborn babies, and women who are visiting their babies that are in the neonatal intensive care unit.  We want to show all of our mothers that we care and support them through this stage.”

Helping and supporting moms and their babies certainly takes medical expertise, but emotional support is also key.

Amber points out, “Pregnancy, birth and taking care of a newborn brings a myriad of emotions.  Hopefully when these moms see a handwritten note, from those of us that are taking care of them, and partnering with them on this journey hopefully it will help to encourage and inspire them as a mother going forward.”

On average, more than 400 babies are delivered each month in Colorado Springs at UCHealth Memorial Central and Memorial North.