

Colorado senators weigh in on Syria air strikes

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On Friday, President Trump announced that the U.S., France and Britain had launched military strikes against Syria in response to Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons and to deter him from doing it again.

Saturday morning the President tweeted that the strikes were successful, saying the joint actions between the U.S., U.K., and France "could not have had a better result. Mission Accomplished."

Military and Defense leaders from the aforementioned countries, as well as several others around the world have declared the actions a success. 

Not long after the strikes were announced, other political entities began to weigh in with their thoughts on the military action.

Here’s what Colorado Senators Cory Gardner and Michael Bennet had to say about the matter.

Gardner – “The use of chemical weapons on civilians, including children, is one of the most abhorrent acts imaginable, and the United States and its allies cannot sit back and allow it to continue.  The precision targeting of military targets are needed in the fight of good versus evil, a fight of the United States versus the dark edge of humanity. These latest actions need to be part of a comprehensive strategy that secure lasting peace in Syria.  We must continue to build a coalition of allies and partners in the region that share our goal of protecting the innocent people being harmed in Syria by this monstrous regime.”

Bennet – “The Assad regime continues to conduct heinous attacks on the people of Syria, and it is clear deterrence has not worked. Having failed to articulate a strategy for the crisis in Syria, President Trump risks pulling the United States into a broader conflict with this military action. The decision to use military force against the Syrian government must be made in pursuit of a comprehensive objective and with authorization from Congress.”