COLORADO SPRINGS — July is Auto Theft Prevention Month and Coloradans Against Auto Theft want to help protect you with a new campaign called Lockdown Your Car.
They say car theft numbers are across the state. Colorado Springs is ranked the second city with the most thefts while Pueblo took the fourth spot.
The spike in thefts is partially due to growth, but also because of easy opportunities, like warm weather, and that's where we can protect ourselves.
''They are looking for you to make a mistake. They're looking for you to leave your car unlocked, to leave your keys in your car, to leave your car running with the air conditioning on when you go into a store, to leave your windows down," Colorado Springs Police Lt. James Sokolik said.
It is also dangerous to leave garage doors unlocked or open unattended.
The most common target for thieves are Honda Civics.