COLORADO SPRINGS — The fourth 2C paving season is coming to a close on October 31st, The weather could change the end date for completion though. The newly paved lanes are funded by the five-year 2C ballot measure passed by voters in 2015.
Mayor John Suthers said, “Nothing more clearly defines the renaissance of our city than the significant roadway infrastructure improvements made possible by ballot measure 2C,” He went on to say, “While there is still much work to be done, funding from this critical local ballot measure has delivered 854 resurfaced lane miles in its first four years, which has made a major difference in the trajectory of our critical infrastructure. I am incredibly proud of the efficiency and transparency of the 2C effort and thank our citizens for their support of this vital effort.”
All of the efforts were made possible by the temporary five-year 0.62 percent sales tax approved by Colorado Springs voters and is exclusively dedicated to roadway repairs. Paving occurs in tandem with continued PPRTA projects that provide routine preventive maintenance to help roads achieve their full life span.
The following are cumulative paving and concrete numbers funded by 2C from 2016-2019:
Paved 854.80 lane miles· Replaced 617,663 linear feet of curb and gutter· Replaced 1,297,001 square feet sidewalk· Installed 623 new pedestrian ramps· Retrofitted 3,455 existing pedestrian ramps
Public Works estimates 218.64 lane miles will be paved in 2020, and the final list will be released in the coming months. Among the major roads slated for 2020 are Garden of the Gods Road, major sections of North Union and Nevada avenues, Platte Avenue, and a significant portion of Jet Wing Drive.
With nearly 6,000 lane miles in city limits, the 2C paving list has targeted main roads considered “arterials” and “collectors.” Here is the overall breakdown of the type of lane miles paved, or to be paved in 2020, with 2C funds: 616 arterial, 202 collector, 87 residential and 161 local, industrial and/or commercial. The order in which roads are paved is dictated by an extensive coordination effort.
For more information regarding voter-supported 2C projects visit []. Click here [] to view an interactive map highlighting all public works projects, including stormwater, capital improvements, paving and roadway maintenance, traffic engineering and transit.